I come from a family of three children, two brothers and myself. Although this has been a fantastic journey, the biggest piece missing was that close connection with another female sibling growing up. Through the years, I been very fortunate to find a few very good, very close girlfriends. We refer to each other as sisters, to be exact as The Moonsisters. The interesting thing, is they don't have a sister either, so our bond is extra special.
We have celebrated our sisterhood over time in many joyous, fun ways. Not entering into this bond lightly, we had a special ceremony, held on an evening of the full moon, many years ago to formally establish and honor our Sisterhood.
We selected a weekend get-a-away from family and husbands so we could start this off in style. The ceremony was well thought out, and fun..we had a specially designated moon drink, we played moon music, had a special menu, and designed special hats for each other. Since there were four of us, we put our names in a hat, several months in advance to pick the sister we would honor and give a special tribute to on our initiation weekend. The funny thing...we did this way before the Red Hats and YaYa Sisterhood appeared on the scene.
These women have a special place in my heart...we have shared so many things...we have been there for each other through the good times and the challenges. Here is a piece written about girlfriends that I found in my files and would like to share. It sums up for me what this all means.
Life happens.
Distance separates.
Children grow up.
Love waxes and wanes.
Hearts break.
Careers end.
Jobs come and go.
Parents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
Men don't call when they say they will.
BUT girlfriends are there,
No matter how much time and
How many miles are between you.
A girlfriend is never farther away
Than needing her can reach.
When you have to walk that lonesome valley,
And you have to walk it for yourself,
Your girlfriends will be on the valley's rim,
Cheering you on,
Praying for you,
Pulling for you,
Intervening on your behalf, and
Waiting with open arms
At the valley's end.
Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you. Or come in and carry you out. My daughters, mother, Moonsisters, sisters-in-law, mother-in-law, aunts, nieces, cousins, extended family, and friends bless my life! The world wouldn't be the same without them, and neither would I.
When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other. Thank you to each of you for gracing me with your light!
If you have a special Girlfriend story, please share it with us!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Posted by
Susan & Scott Anderson
8:20 AM
Labels: Health and Wellness, Personal Development, Seeds for Change
Friday, May 23, 2008
8 Keys to Maintain Your Balance
These keys are based upon the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron, each key being a point of the star. Eight truths which are eternal. Each without the other is only part of the whole, just as you are part of all that is and has ever been."
The Keys Are as Follows:
We must acknowledgement our self perfection – We are and always have been of the One both in Source and within our Journeys.
Accept the journey for which we have come – why fight the very things which we have come to learn?
Maintain Personal Integrity – That truth which is ours amongst all other things, that opportunity which we give ourselves to find the truth within us, not that which we have been conditioned by others to perceive.
Be that which you are, not that which you perceive others would see – You are created of light, of Grace, and of that there cannot be imperfection, only that which is of Spirit. You do not need to improve yourselves, only to acknowledge that which is your God self, your perfect being.
We must acknowledge our value – This is different than accepting perfection. Your value is how you fit within the world within and the exterior world in which you exist. To perceive that your value is greater than another’s, or less than someone else’s brings you to lack of everything else.
Accept Your Power – You are great and mighty. True Power comes not of ego, but the collective One of our Spirit. True Power is Gentle Power. You are of the light and in its seemingly nebulous construct is the essence from which all things are made. To fear inner power is to suggest that you are less than all other things. In Truth, power is of Grace, not of abusiveness or negative use and your Grace is born of unconditionality. True Power is that which is Love, the intentional living as co-creator from within all opportunities that are offered you.
Take Your value, Your perfection, Your power, Your Grace into your world – In the Now that always is, change only comes from practice of change. What this means is that to effect change we must embody it. You must walk your talk, not hide that which you know. Historically, that which is hidden is viewed as heresy in relation to the accepted norm. To change this, it is to create a new accepted norm with ease and Grace by virtue of your walking within the very light from which you are created.
Love yourselves and touch everyone you encounter with love – As all energy exchanges, what will You accept from others and what will you leave behind? You can see all others as mirrors of yourselves, that their pain also resides somewhere within us, that their joy is in our hearts as well. This is why random acts of kindness make such a difference. How many times have you said “There by the Grace of God go I”? It is true. It has always been so.
And of course, as we embrace these keys, we must remember to breathe. Our breath serves more than the purpose of oxygenating our body. Our breath clears and nurtures us energetically. Each breath is a cleansing and as weare cleansed, our energy system moves more easily and with greater clarity of communication within the universal consciousness, communicating what our experience is as well as what our experience may be. When we do not breathe because we are tense, our energies compact, becoming more and more sluggish. As a result, our manifestation becomes sluggish or even stalled.
Source: Spirit Light Resources Author: Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey
Posted by
Susan & Scott Anderson
2:15 PM
Labels: Education, Personal Development, Seeds for Change, Spirituality
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Two Wolves
An Old Cherokee is Teaching his Grandson about Life....
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride,superiority, and ego."
He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity,truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
Source: The Spiritual Network
And here is the rest of it.
Posted by
Susan & Scott Anderson
11:25 PM
Labels: Inspiration, Personal Development, Seeds for Change
Awaken Your Divine Power
Don't Miss this Very Powerful Opportunity!
If you know someone in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or the surrounding areas who would be interested in participating in this special occasion, do them a favor and let them know about this Free Seminar.
This seminar will take place the day before an unusually powerful full moon. This is important because Philadelphia is playing a critical role this year in helping the United States of America reclaim her Divine Destiny.
Please join with us, and add to the Light of the world as you awaken your Divine Potential.
Posted by
Susan & Scott Anderson
2:38 AM
Labels: Health and Wellness, Personal Development, Seeds for Change, Spirituality